Friday 27 September 2013

Train Wine & Soreen

So I've done a lot of over time at work lately and not had time to blog, but I'm using the time on the train wisely by writing a little post. This week in work has been pretty stressful so I decided to treat myself to an M&S glass of wine. Buying this handy lunch box size glass with a foil lid was the best idea for a train treat ever. What I didn't realise, was that I had drank the whole glass before the 1st stop oooops!!! Now I'm really wishing I had bought a second glass. 

Having a stressful week at work makes me feel so old. In past jobs I have still felt like a spring chicken come Friday but this week has made me feel middle aged. Im starting to be more conscious of how old I'm getting. My legs ache when I have sat at my work desk for too long, my eye sight is deteriorating at a scarily fast rate and I wear comfortable shoes. 
I have also started to worry about silly things like planning how much sleep I need for the day and wondering if I have enough snacks in my handbag come a snack emergency. 

Recently I went to a wedding which I knew I would only be at for a couple of hours. I spent so long getting ready that I had no time for lunch so I put a mini soreen loaf in my clutch bag. My boyfriend thought I was a crazy handbag hoarder but I knew we could be stuck in a situation where there was no food and I am not a happy hungry person. Turns out that we weren't there long enough for me to turn in to a crazed starved beast. 

Not buying any food for this train was defo not a good idea. And it seems like everyone around me is munching. All I'm thinking of is what sort of feast will make this tiring Friday. Maybe a sausage dinner with a side of Singapore chow mein and a sprinkling of chilli cheese nachos and a huge tub of ice cream. And a diet coke obv! 

Mines the next stop and I am planning the fastest route to a couch and my pjamers. Soz if there are spelling mistakes. Let's just pretend I'm drunk. Promise next blog will be better. 


Wednesday 11 September 2013

(Bad) Music for the Masses

I've been getting in to work mega early this week, which means I've been getting the train just after 6am. The usual crowd at that time are builders, early office workers and one man who carries lots of  fishing equipment. Since I'm such a people watcher, public transport is like a mini haven to me. I make up stories about where these people are going, what will happen in there day and what are they reading on their kindle or listening to on their iPod. On the way home however, I need not guess what one commuter was listening to as he had no headphones in and was playing his music through his phone speaker.

Do people really still do this??

I remember being younger and the teenage scallys on the back of the bus would play music while trying to hide the ciggy they where smoking. Back then I just accepted it and thought it was the norm on public transport. But that was 10 years ago. What made this 30+ year old man think the whole carriage would like to join him in listening to Eminem- "Without Me"? I could think of around a billion other songs id rather him play, but I knew this wasn't the appropriate situation for song requests. You could see the puzzled look on people's faces as they joined us at later stops. They clearly hadn't noticed this carriage came with a DJ.

What made it even worse was as I was sitting so close to this man, people started to think the music was coming from my headphones. I got so paranoid about this that I quickly unplugged and packed my headphones away in my bag to prove my innocence.  The elderly couple opposite me where looking around with stern faces and tutting. The song is not exactly age appropriate for everyone on the train.

I was inwardly cringing so badly and just wanted it to stop. I was praying to the gods for this mans battery to rapidly run out or for him to accidentally spill all his Red Bull on his phone. I was board line tempted to stage falling over and crash in to him causing his phone to break- bit extreme but I couldn't stand the thought of what would come out the speaker next.  I wanted to inform him that for the price of his Red Bull he could of gone to the pound shop and bought headphones. There's been plenty of times I've left headphones at home and turned to the trusty pound shop for some temporary headphones. He didn't look like the kind of man who would appreciate this information though, so I stayed quiet. 15 minutes of musical torture later, I had arrived at my stop Walking in the torrential rain that greeted me was better than having to endure this mans jukebox of madness!

Another thing that baffled me a bit on a different trip home from work this week, was a lady sitting opposite me who spoke solidly (and very loudly) for the 15 minute journey despite 1 underground stop and around 5 tunnels. It's a FACT that no one has reception underground or in a tunnel. It just doesn't happen. I don't care how good your network is, no signal is reaching you in a train station basement. Yet she spoke the whole way home. I don't know if this woman was insane and there was no one on the phone to begin with, or that she had been speaking so much she hadn't noticed the other person had been cut off. Regardless I got to hear how her weekend was and how she is dating her old friends boyfriend- tut tut. 

I Would tell you all more about past experiences with weird and wonderful people on my commutes but my brain has now turned to pulp after this 18 hour day. Night Night.

< 3

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Bra-less Greetings

Why is it always when I'm slothing and wearing no bra around the house, the door goes? First visitor in for a treat was the Salvation Army lady coming to collect a donation envelope. I had no idea where it was and the last thing anyone wants to see is boobs frantically flapping all over the hall way, searching through the leaning tower of letters. I apologised and told her I couldn't find it. She said not to bother and would come back another time. Felt a bit sly on her going away empty handed but I was on the phone to my nan at the same time too. I know women can multi-task, but explaining to my nan I was putting her on hold, searching for this envelope and trying to keep myself dignified all at the same time just wasn't happening. 

Next in line for the boob show was the neighbour delivering a parcel for my mum. I didnt have time to grab a hoodie and a floral cape was the only thing to hand. I decided to not go with the cape in fear I would look like a hippy wizard. As if opening the door bra-less in a polka dot onsie isn't shame enough, my freshly washed hair and fringe had started to dry in a centre parting... FIT. I looked like Nick Carter circa 1998. 
Trying to cover myself with the parcel as best I could I ended the friendly chit chat and bailed back inside. 

Moral of the story is wear a bra around the house in case of suprise visitors. Or just don't answer the door.
