Monday, 19 August 2013

Monday: Tears Train Side & Pie and Mash

Monday Mornings are not a good time. They're even less of a good time when you forget to set your alarm. This is exactly how my morning started today. It was a sign of things to come. I had 5 minutes to change and brush my teeth before fleeing out the house to catch my train. I'm an expert at doing my hair and a full face of make-up on the train so to me this was no biggie. What was a biggie was that I had managed to forget EVERY bobble I owned! Its always in these desperate times that all the bobbles and hair clips you own run away and hide and then turn up down the couch or in the washing machine. Armed with only 4 hair clips i had to make the most of things till I got off the train and ran to the nearest boots!! Hair sorted it was time for make up. Step 1- foundation. WRONG. I had used the last of my foundation Saturday night and was too hungover eating KFC and vegging out on Sunday to remember. So I did the best with what I had and managed to make myself look a bit more human.

During the 90 minute train ride from my boyfriends house to work, spent getting ready and watching Adulthood (thank you BBC iPlayer!), I realized that my battery was significantly drained and I had, of course, forgotten to pack my charger. Didn't think this was much of a problem as I stupidly thought 30% was enough to see me through the day. After pitying myself for my semi-stressful morning, I bought a breakfast bagel and got on with my day at work. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, was quite a busy day so had no time for any more bad luck.

While emailing my sister, who was spending the day in bed recovering from V Festival, we came to the conclusion that pie, veg and mash was the only dinner that would make this Monday better. I volunteered to pick up the food on the way home as sleeping on a field floor for 3 nights had made it impossible for her to move without being in pain. I had completely forgotten I already had to carry my handbag, a plastic bag with my coat in and a hold-all which weighed the same as car. Now I had taken on the task of trekking through town to buy dinner as well.

The end of the work day came and I had a throbbing headache. I felt like I was climbing Everest walking towards M&S. Pie, check. Veg, check, mash...No. Tesco it is. My 3 bags had now turned to 5. I was a hot mess after walking, with 5 bags full to the train station for my journey home. Annoyingly I had just missed a train so had to wait 20 minutes. By this time my phone battery had completely died. The platform I was on had no clock and no screens alerting us of the train times. Having no phone to check the time made me feel like I was in the land where time stood still. The 20 minutes I had to wait felt like an eternity. Finally giving up and asking someone the time, I found out that it had in fact been 30 minutes, the train was late. No announcements had been made so surely it would be here any second now. Another 10 minutes go by and my headache is now 10 times worse. I just wanted to be home.

I decided enough was enough and stormed down to the ticket office to bark at the 1st attendant I could see. I wanted to know why there had been no announcements and why no one had came down the platform to inform us the train would be late. The train attendant simply pointed at the screen near the entrance of the station and informed me this screen had all the information on. I was so annoyed by his lack of care and sympathy, that I made a noise that can only describe as a growl and walked away swearing under my breath. Really what wanted to do was throw the mash potato in his face and launch the pie across the station while screaming at the top of my lungs. This would of been one step too far. Instead I was so frustrated and exhausted that I started crying. Honestly I don't know where it came from.

Not only was I the disheveled mess carrying 5 bags, now I was the disheveled mess carrying 5 bags crying on the platform. Before I could get the tissues out, the train had arrived and I felt like a full on tit. Everyone waiting for the train was looking at me and needless to say I knew no one would be rushing to sit next to me. I pulled myself together, deciding that crying over a train being delayed was plain ridiculous. Finally I got home and didn't even feel like pie and mash. Obviously I still ate it!!

After a hot shower and slipping in to a cosy onsie I am ready for bed. I have my work clothes laid out for tomorrow, my make up and hair accessories all in order and my alarm set... I think I'm ready to bring on Tuesday.


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